Our non-profit club fosters and promotes the sport and hobby of flying R/C models, and is chartered by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA – Charter 3340). The club holds monthly meetings, maintains the SMAC Field and rents space at the NMU Superior Dome for winter flying. Both are open to its members and guests and their model aircraft.
Come by the field and check out the action most Tuesday and weekend afternoons depending on who feels like flying. Introduce yourself and feel free to ask questions.
With around 20 members, the Sands Model Airplane Club is one of the larger model airplane clubs in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. For meeting times and club events view the club calendar or email for more information.
The club has several designated instructors who are available to teach beginners. This instruction is offered free of charge by these members, in the spirit of promoting the hobby to newcomers. Even club members who are not dedicated instructors are always willing to lend a hand and extend advice to beginners.
New and prospective members are always invited to attend the monthly meetings, and everyone is always welcome to stop by the field and check out the action for themselves!
New members are always welcome to join. The club does require all members to hold a current membership with the AMA. Visit www.modelaircraft.org for more information on AMA memberships.